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How To Disable 'Articles For You' and Get The 'Bookmarks' and 'Recent tabs' Buttons Back in Google Chrome Version 54 for Android

27 Oct

Since the new version 54 update enrolled on the Google Chrome of Android, it replaced the 'recent tabs' and 'Bookmarks' buttons on the homepage with 'Articles for you', which is basically random news posts from different websites.

The 'Articles for you' homepage in Chrome version 54.

Several people are having trouble figuring out how to remove the 'Articles for you' from their Chrome and go back to the usual homepage with the 'Bookmarks' and 'recent tabs'.

Here's how you can get the original home screen with the bookmarks and recent tab buttons back and disable 'articles for you':

Firstly, open Chrome on your Android device, and enter this url in the address bar:

The url will open this screen.

Afterwards, tap on 'Default' on the 'Show popular sites on the New Tab page' option, and choose 'Disabled' from there.

Then, open this url in your address bar:

The url will open this screen.

Then tap on 'Default' on the 'Show content snippets on the New Tab page', and choose 'Disabled' from there.

After that, simply relaunch your Google Chrome and the homepage will be back to normal, with 'Articles for you' disabled and 'Bookmarks' and 'New Tab' buttons back. That's all!

Back to the normal layout.

Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Thursday, October 27, 2016