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Tekken Fans Start Requesting a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 PC Port - And That's a Good Thing

08 Oct



The Tekken franchise has been dominating the world of fighting games for 28 years and counting, and there have been 7 mainline games with 3 proper spin-offs thus far. Of course, that's excluding all the unique editions, handheld ports, and side projects that we have seen on a large variety of platforms over time, such as Death by Degrees and Tekken Card on smartphones.

However, as surprising as it may be, despite the fact that the PC is such a major gaming platform as of today - we have only had one official Tekken release to date. That is Tekken 7, which is the most recent game in the series so far.

Normally, that might not be the most surprising thing since the latest fighting game installment is often a replacement for everything before it - if fans accept the game. And with Tekken 7's success, it can be said that the game has satisfied most fans. 

But in the case of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, things are a bit different. That is because the Tag series is a spin-off of the main Tekken games and features a unique battle system in which each character selects two fighters each from the large roster. Not only that, but these games contain every single character from the series that have been added to the franchise up to the time of release.

And it's not just the tag aspect that's different, Tag 2 has no Rage Arts (which some prefer) and the gameplay mechanics are quite different in general. The game has lengthier combos and there are many unique things that you can do with your tag partner, which adds a whole new layer of things that you can do. 

Not only that, but even smaller details like how characters interact with each other (neutral, friends, rivals) is a lot of fun to see. And other things like legacy stages, having dirt stick to your body, and so on - it's just a very fun game that is filled with an insane amount of fun and feels like a love-letter to longtime fans of the series.

Naturally, fans have been hoping for a PC port of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for ages and assumed it might get released as part of a random collection at some point. But with remasters becoming so common and fighting games doing better than they were a bit earlier, it feels like the perfect time for fans to ask for Tekken Tag 2 on PC while they patiently wait for the titular release of Tekken 8 soon.

After all, it's only the second-last game in the series right now and is wildly different to Tekken 8 - so it's the perfect game to port over right now. Sure, you can emulate it on PC, but as the official subreddit for this movement stated, it's not as perfect as an actual port with proper netcode.

A post detailing the issues with playing on emulation as compared to an official port

The people behind this movement raise very good points and it's just a no-brainer for Namco to invest in a good port of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on PC with stable netplay. And of course, if they have the resources, bringing the game to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S would be a great idea too. 

Tag 2 is one of the few games in the series that are still stuck on the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U era of consoles and it's about time we bring it back to life, especially since it's such an underrated game that deserved to sell more.

You can visit the official subreddit for this by clicking 'here', and the Twitter account 'here'. 

The numbers of the movement at the moment are low, but it's just a matter of exposure as thousands do want the re-release but no one has tried to gather those fans in one place before. With time, it will undoubtedly spread. With all of that said, we sincerely hope this port does happen because I would love for that game to exit the 7th generation curse. #Tag2forPC

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Saturday, October 08, 2022

Disney+ Reveals a Strong Lineup of Marvel Shows

14 Jul


Marvel Studios, to no surprise, will be playing a big role on Disney's upcoming Netflix rival, revealing a number of shows with big budgets that are directly related to the MCU.

The lineup reveals a series about Vision and Scarlet Witch, delving deep into their relationship which we have not seen properly bloom in the movies themselves, a series about Falcon and Winter Soldier, and a miniseries about Hawkeye, as well as a previously teased Loki show which takes place in the character's youth - with all of the original cast reprising their roles for their respective shows.

Lastly, there's also going to be an animated show that will explore the 'What If' universe of the MCU, something that has existed in the comics for a long time. It will be one-shot stories about the MCU characters, exploring different possibilities and outcomes to the movies we have come to love.

Disney+ is expected to launch in the US on November 12, 2019 and will cost $6.99 per month and $69.99 anually.
Published On Entertainment Ghost At Sunday, July 14, 2019

Monsoon Shootout and The Problem With Mainstream Desi Movie Critics

18 Aug

Uncharted territory. It's not something we always consider when it comes to reading reviews, whether it's a book or a movie or a game, we just assume the site put an appropriate critic for the work of fiction at hand, or forgot to consider the fact a single person can't judge everything properly. It's not exactly hard to find patterns in a critic, sooner or later, and you can often see signs of them simply not being the right person. So what do most people do internationally in this case? Find an appropriate person to review the type of work that's being reviewed.

It's another case when it comes to websites found in countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. They expect the same critic to be able to review everything in one category. They'd review the 1200th generic 'masala' film where the protagonist is a normal human but punches someone through the ozone layer and harasses a girl into falling in love with him, as well as that indie film with Academy Award winning performances and themes of philosophy and the exploits of human nature.

This results in people reviewing things that are completely out of their comfort zone, and the results are often grave. I'll give an example with something that's been plaguing my mind recently, Monsoon Shootout and its treatment by the mainstream critique.

When I got my first impression of Monsoon Shootout, I was expecting a hit and, mostly miss type of indie flick that tries to set itself apart but fails to deliver and just ends up being one of the not-as-bad movies that fall onto the pile of Bollywood. Which is why I took ages to actually watch it, too. However, once I eventually started watching it, the movie instantly stood out as something better than average at the very least. I went in blind so I was completely surprised by its artistic style, the noir atmosphere, themes of morality, choices and consequences and as soon as the first choice of the protagonist was explored I was hooked into it, and it surprised me with how well it executes its ideas of having different choices with different outcomes for the protagonist to choose from and how it does not fall short of its intriguing plot and characters. The unconventional-for-Indian-cinema 1 hour and 26 minute run time was a welcome decision and the filmmakers did not make it any longer than it should have been.

To put it briefly without spoiling anything, the movie is a raw and gritty story about a new police officer who is thrown into the dark depths of his city as he is put on cases involving gangsters, and the turning point of the movie is when he comes face to face with Nawazuddin Siddiqui's character, and is faced with three decisions: the option he considers right, the option he considers wrong, and the option that comes inbetween. The entire movie is packed with intriguing decisions, consequences and raw performances from the cast, mainly Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Vijay Varma who prove that with the right cast, script, and direction, the Indian cinema is not lacking as we are often mistaken into believing by the mainstream 'formula' movies. Although I haven't formally reviewed it, I definitely recommend it to everyone reading this.

The movie was first screened in the Cannes Film Festival, and was very positively received with international praise towards the acting, direction and artistic execution of the entire plot and how it does not fail to deliver, with some even assuming it would be a box office success when released in India. However, what really happened when it was released in India was quite the opposite.

It received mostly subpar-to-average reviews, with some even calling it a failure. Going through most of the reviews, one thing you see present in almost all of them is the complaint that the movie 'fails to execute its concept'. Which brings us back to where this article started; uncharted territory. These critics have given high scores to the mainstream movies such as 'Main Tera Hero'. Monsoon Shootout is not a perfect movie, but one thing it did not do, whether you enjoy it in general or not, is fail its execution. It takes its concept, its script, its artistic direction, and it combines them all beautifully and makes the best out of what it could do. Whether you enjoy the final result or not, it's undeniable that it did execute what it had in mind and that too beautifully. The thing is, when you review something you're not really too familiar with you can't deny what you're hired for. What comes out of this is that the critic tries their best to fit into this new world and can be rather pretentious in reviewing said film because they judge it with unrealistic standards and use words they think would be appropriate to criticize it with even if it does not work in the context.

At the end of the day, reviews are of course something we read and either agree with or dismiss, no one loses anything and we go onto the next site to see what the other person said. However, it's not so simple for the people who actually make these films, and such critique can cause the movie to be a box office failure, shooing off an entire breed of people who may have loved it and prevents it from paving the way to a new, more mature cinema where bold movies don't mean films that just add more sexuality than considered normal; but movies that take risks and execute them into beautifully crafted movies that more people understand.

It's no insult for a critic to know their territory, and for one person to judge every genre, the quality and credibility of their criticism is lowered regardless.
Published On Entertainment Ghost At Saturday, August 18, 2018

Movie Review: Black Panther (2018)

21 Feb


Black Panther is the eighteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe based on the comic book character of the same name, written and directed by Ryan Coogler, with Joe Robert Cole being a co-writer. The movie has a rich cast featuring Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, along with Michael B. Jordan, Martin Freeman, Forest Whitaker, Andy Serkis, Lupita Amondi Nyong'o, Danai Jekesai Gurira, and Letitia Michelle Wright in the main roles, with others also serving their purpose in the plot. Surprisingly despite a long cast of 'main' characters and other notable actors also in place, it does not really feel like anyone is 'just there', every character has been given a decent role in the plot as well as given good screen time which makes you feel like 'they do have a point for being there'.

The plot of the movie is well structured and one of the better ones we've seen from MCU, like Spiderman: Homecoming, the character of T'Challa was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War and was not exactly given an origin story, instead we get into right when he is about to be crowned king after the death of his father(which we see here as a news report and a flashback, which happened to be a vital scene in Captain America: Civil War) and then we see his life move onward as king and the threat he would eventually struggle against, in the face of Erik Killmonger, a person who is a worthy antagonist for someone as powerful as Black Panther. Erik's character is being seen as a massive improvement for the MCU in terms of villains, a part where they tend to fall short. And while the character itself is nothing groundbreaking(and nor is the overall plot of the movie), he definitely is a marvel in the world of comic book movies which more than offer have lacking antagonists(something the Netflix Marvel shows arguably has been consistently doing better) and is one of the most solid villains you'll be seeing in a long time. He's a badass, he's got a vibe and he has a backstory which makes you think twice before outright labeling him as a bad guy, with a lot of the audience actually siding with him. There's also a twist or two here and there which, if may be predictable, still works and makes the plot more intriguing than it already works. The only character I felt, while not useless, was not really entirely necessary either, was Martin Freeman's. To roughly quote a friend of mine who watched the movie, 'I guess they just needed a good white character for the sake of it'.

The atmosphere of the movie is one of the most important bits, whether it's visual, in the writing, or the music. Speaking of which, it seems like Marvel is finally hiring people to do their OST this time, because we have been seeing an improvement with the likes of Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor Ragnarok and now Black Panther. Black Panther is full of rich soundtracks that are perfect for the atmosphere of the movie and make it all even better, and some of the characters have their individual tracks which is music you can actually listen to without the movie and enjoy, such as Erik Killmonger's theme for example. And it really differs for the themes linked to the characters themselves not just the scene, like more native characters to Wakanda would have more atmospheric tunes to their homeland while someone like Killmonger has a more ghetto feel due to his upbringing in the states.

Final Verdict:

Black Panther is a 9 out of 10

The movie also finds the right balance of seriousness and a small touch of MCU comedy, not overdoing either of the elements unlike some of the previous films. While Thor Ragnarok felt like an outright comedy film, Black Panther feels very serious and intense, while also giving human personalities to the characters which can be quite humorous at times. Whereas when it's time for action there's no joking around, and the movie has some of the best directed action sequences in the MCU, which have just the right touch of intensity and cool visuals and keep you interested in more. The 3D is also very well utilized and isn't distracting, but rather something that improves on an experience that is already a visual treat.

There's no complaints with Black Panther, it's worth the hype you've seen around. The movie is absolutely solid and delivers well in every regard, whether it's story, action, acting, visuals or music, it does not fall short in any way. You should definitely go ahead and watch it and it might end up being a movie you revisit the theater for because you can't have enough of it.
Published On Entertainment Ghost At Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How To Disable 'Articles For You' and Get The 'Bookmarks' and 'Recent tabs' Buttons Back in Google Chrome Version 60 for Android

10 Sep

Since the new version 54 update enrolled on the Google Chrome of Android, it replaced the 'recent tabs' and 'Bookmarks' buttons on the homepage with 'Articles for you', which is basically random news posts from different websites. And on version 60, they altered the previous method of disabling the 'Articles for you' and getting the bookmarks back.

The 'Articles for you' homepage in Chrome version 60.

Several people are having trouble figuring out how to remove the 'Articles for you' from their Chrome and go back to the usual homepage with the 'Bookmarks' and 'recent tabs'.

Here's how you can get the original home screen with the bookmarks and recent tab buttons back and disable 'articles for you':

Firstly, open Chrome on your Android device, and enter this url in the address bar:

The url will open this screen.

Afterwards, tap on 'Default' on the 'Show popular sites on the New Tab page' option, and choose 'Disabled' from there.

Then, open this url in your address bar:

The url will open this screen.

Then tap on 'Default' on the 'Show content snippets on the New Tab page', and choose 'Disabled' from there.

After that, simply relaunch your Google Chrome and the homepage will be back to normal, with 'Articles for you' disabled and 'Bookmarks' and 'New Tab' buttons back. That's all!

Back to the normal layout.
Published On Entertainment Ghost At Sunday, September 10, 2017