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Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice And Other Celebrities' Nude Pictures Leak Onto The Internet After Their Phones Are Hacked (Updated)

31 Aug

Nude pictures of Jennifer Lawrence and Victoria Justice have been leaked on the internet, while pictures and videos of Kate Upton and other celebrities are promised to be released over time, after their phones are hacked by an unknown individual.

The hacker has a whole list of celebrities he claims to have pictures and explicit videos of(picture above), including a 'blowjob' video of Jennifer Lawrence.

Victoria Justice has claimed in a tweet that the leaked pictures are fake:

However, some people believe they are real, while others are believing the claim by the celebrity.


Actress Mary E. Winstead, who is on the list, has recently tweeted that the pictures of hers that are supposed to be leaked were sent to her husband and were "deleted".

A spokesperson for Arianna Grande, who is also in the list, has called the pictures fake.

A spokesperson for Jennifer Lawrence has confirmed to BuzzFeed that the pictures are stolen, and is not calling them fake. He has stated that:

This is a flagrant violation of privacy. The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

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Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Sunday, August 31, 2014