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Mortal Kombat 'XL' Edition and Kombat Pack 2 Will NOT Be Coming To PC

20 Jan

After Ed Boon promised YouTuber Angry Joe that the PC port of Mortal Kombat X will be 'as good as the consoles', fans were hyped and waited eagerly for the game to come out.

However, as the game came to PC, it was filled with bugs, crashes, frame rate issues as well as some issues that made it unplayable for some. While it got some fixes, the game still exists with major issues that went unfixed, leaving Mortal Kombat fans on PC unsatisfied.

With the announcement of the 'Kombat Pack 2', which features Bo Rai Cho, Xenomorph from Alien, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Tri-Borg, the 'Komplete Edition' of Mortal Kombat X was also announced, titled 'Mortal Kombat XL', which would be the complete edition of the game, featuring all the DLC into one package.

However, in an unexpected move, it has been announced that Mortal Kombat 'XL' and 'Kombat Pack 2' will NOT be coming to the PC. The reason has not been announced so far, but it is officially confirmed by NetherRealm Studios that MKXL and Kombat Pack 2 will only be coming out for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with no explanation for the lack of a PC release for the two items.

This has, of course, caused an outrage among the fans of Mortal Kombat who had purchased the game on PC, and were waiting for the Kombat Pack 2 to come out, as well as some who knew the game would get a complete edition like it's predecessor did, and were waiting for it's arrival to purchase the game.

It is beyond the understanding of the fans as to why not even the 'Kombat Pack 2' will not be released on PC, which would had completed the game on PC anyways for those willing to buy everything in bits, even if 'XL' was not coming out as the one complete package.

The 'Mortal Kombat XL' will be getting released digitally and in retail on 1st March, 2016, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. 


Mortal Kombat X has had a lot of issues with it's online Multiplayer mode, so NetherRealm studios recently launched an 'Enhanced Online Beta', which would feature new net code and improve the online. However, just like Mortal Kombat XL and Kombat Pack 2, even the improved online is only for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. PC is not getting the improved net code.

Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Wednesday, January 20, 2016