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Crowd of People Cut off The Penis of Man Who Attempted To Rape a Teenager

10 Oct

The shirtless man, Suresh Kumar, is the one who attempted the rape.

In the city of Ganganagar, India, a 40-year-old man called Suresh Kumar tried to rape a teenager girl. However, a crowd of civilians heard terrified screams and found the man pinning the teenage girl to a wall, trying to rape her. The crowd saved the girl from the rapist and then took Suresh to a local butcher's shop and beat him up for an hour.

Then the vigilant crowd decided what to do with Suresh and ultimately decided to cut his penis off. The crowd then took a meat cleaver and cut the penis of the man off, and then threw it on the road. The man was later taken to a hospital by authorities and his condition is declared critical, while the girl is being treated for shock and will be later given counseling.

A spokesman for police has spoken on the incident that:
People cannot take the law into your own hands. As deplorable as these crimes are, law and order has to be maintained, and not lynch justice. We ask those men who carried out this attack to hand themselves in before we find them.

Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Friday, October 10, 2014