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10 Hilarious Christmas Memes!

18 Dec

Ho ho ho, Christmas is almost here! In the holiday mood yet? So many working on Christmas decorations, preparations, and all that stuff. And you are here looking for some cool articles. Well, Entertainment Ghost is getting in that holiday mood! So here are 10 hilarious(and one not so hilarious) Christmas memes!

Yeah, you sure do. You're a cat that's setting an ornament up, instead of destroying it. As long as the picture follows at least.

That explains it! Kids, your life wasn't a lie! Not as long as Chuck went on the 'naughty' list anyways...

A holiday themed 80s Spidey meme? Yes please!

 The king of the whole list. If Santa REALLY delivered presents, this would happen.


Oh Hollywood.

If judging is a sin, Santa's in real trouble.

-insert evil laugh-

Oh look, a flat Reindeer! Because tyres are too mainstream!

The cold truth...

Do you like these memes? Know a good meme we missed? Let us know!

Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Wednesday, December 18, 2013