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Online Color Generators Now On Entertainment Ghost!

23 Nov

Hello readers!

Entertainment Ghost now has 3 different kinds of new Color Generators!

1. Hex & RGB Color Code Generator (Flash)

You can easily generate Hex and RBG colors in this generator. It requires flash player plug-ins installed in your browser to work.

2. Hex Color Wheel (Flash)

You can use this Color Wheel to get matching colors. You can also add a color code to get it's matching colors. It requires flash player plug-ins installed in your browser to work.

3. JAVA Based Hex Color Generator

It is a simple, lite jQuery based color generator.

You can access these great color generators anytime from "Others> Color Generators" in the drop-down menu. Here's a snapshot from the drop-down menu, where you can open the Color Generators page from:

'Click here' to access the Color Generators page right from this post!


Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Saturday, November 23, 2013