Hello all. My name is Androoid. Since Muhammad Junaid is still on a break, I'll be posting until his break finishes. To help finish the break earlier, I've employed ads and we put a new template on a blog. I'll post 2 times a day to keep this site interesting. Since my desktop could describe me the best (Since I'm a computer addict), I have included the picture of it. Some specs of it: Intel i5 661 clocked at 3.33 GHZ dual-core with hyper-threading enabled. NVIDIA GeForce 460 GTX with 1 GB of memory GDDR3 and 2 coolers on it from Gigabyte. 4 GB of RAM (DDR3) A 250 GB Hard Drive (Yes, I know it's small). Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and Fedora on a virtual machine with emulation of my own hardware (Not Pentium 3) in Virtual Box. That's all about my computer. I'll be uploading videos also (Which I film, with my commentary, though I'll try and keep it down). That's all, hope you keep reading the blog. Thank you for reading.