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Facebook Apologises To Media After Rejecting A Sick Baby's Ad By Calling It 'Gore' Content

Hudson Azera Bond is a two-month old baby from North Carolina, who needs a new heart. His family cannot afford the heart transplant all by themselves, so they have been asking for donations so they can save the life of their son. Hudson is in Duke Children's Hospital where a device has been fitted in his heart, which assists him to keep him alive until he can get the heart transplant.

As a part of spreading the word, Hudson's father, Kevin Bond, has a Facebook page made for the baby, where he posts progress and asks for donations. Occasionally, he pays for sponsorship of the page so more people can find it and help with the transplant. Recently, Kevin paid for a 20$ Facebook ad for the page, and apparently, Facebook rejected the ad(see picture above) by calling it 'gory', comparing it with "accidents, car crashes, dead and dismembered bodies, ghosts, zombies, ghouls, and vampires".

Kevin Bond then posted about how Facebook called a picture of his son gory and stated that:
What is offensive about this picture of my Son? In Classic Facebook fashion the link they provided to appeal this decision doesn't work, and all efforts to contact them have failed. Facebook you should be ashamed of yourself. Of all the garbage you endlessly pedal over the Internet, a picture of my Son is where you draw the line? Disgusting.

This incident sparked a lot of controversy towards Facebook, and eventually Facebook apologised for the ad rejection to the media. They have stated that "This was a mistake on our part. The ad has been re-approved. We apologise for any nuisance this has caused to the family". It is said that Facebook has offered the family $10,000 in advertisement credit, for sponsoring Hudson's page in ads.

Kevin Bond has acknowledged that he has read the apology and shows dismay with their apology, and the fact they did not contact him directly, and he wouldn't even had known of it had he not seen their "half hearted" apology on the media, stating that:
I read Facebook's response on media outlets last night. They apologized for the inconvenience this caused my family. Inconvenience was never an issue. Having my beautiful Son compared to dismembered bodies, vampires, zombies, etcetera hurt me, and my family. The ad in question was time sensitive. Reversing their decision days later fixes nothing. Further, the company still hasn't contacted me directly. Had I not read their half hearted apology on the media I'd have no idea it existed. 

Kevin Bond has also asked Facebook to give $5,000 of advertisement credit to another ill-child, who suffers from the Sanfilppo Syndrome, called Eliza O'Neill, who also needs donations for her treatment. Kevin has stated that:

I met Eliza O'Neill before Hudson was born. She's a remarkable four-year-old girl racing the clock against Sanfilppo Syndrome. A clinical trial that may very well save her life is nearly funded. We've asked Facebook to give $5,000.00 of those ad dollars to her.

You can donate for Hudson Bond by going over to his official site here →

You can donate for Eliza O'Neill by going over here →

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Muhammad Junaid

Muhammad Junaid is the writer of Entertainment Ghost. He writes articles, reviews, previews and entertainment news about gaming, technology, the media and so on. You can follow him on Twitter @Mr_MJunaid and Facebook MJunaid

Published On Entertainment Ghost At Saturday, September 13, 2014